I'm experiencing aproblem with my OffficeJet Pro 8600 Printer. After replacing the ink cartridge a month or two ago, the printer began to have this Error:
Printer Failure
There is a problem with the printer or ink system. Turn printer off, then on. If problem persists, contact HP
I've tried to reset the printer (turn on and off/unplug and wait) but it does not seem to help in any way. I've taken out and reinserted the ink cartridges again and again, but that isn't helping as well. Lastly, I've tried to take out the printhead/ reseat it three times aready, but the problem persists.
It would be a great inconvience if I would need to purchase a new printer. This one is [mostlikely] out of warrenty.
Is there a way for it to be repared? Get a replacement? r is there a fix to this problem?
Im not sure if the printerheda is bad, though. It was working until a week or two ago.