hp psc 2110 printer challenge
When I turn on my printer it shortly begins to chatter. It eventually stops this repetitive mechanical noise, but then the Quality lights (best, normal, fast) lights blink in unison and I cannot print....
View Article11 x 17 printing problems on OJP K8600
Can't get K8600 to print 11 x 17 in any app. Running Windows 7 Pro 64 bit. Have tried uninstalling the printer and re-installing with latest driver but no luck.
View ArticleHP 1022 prints one page then flashing lights and no more printing?
I use my HP 1022 with a Macbook Pro on the latest Mountain Lion software and it now only prints one page then perhaps one more blank page before siezing up? All three lights alternate flashing and...
View ArticlePhotosmart B9180 Specialty media tray is not recognized when pulled down
Specialty media tray is not working as intended. Nothing happens when I pull it down. Usually there is a message to feed in paper and then click OK, after which the paper is sent through the printer...
View ArticleM602n
I am printing on paper that is 8.5 by 10.5 when printing on this size paper the printer speed is reduced from 50 pages perminute to 14 pages per minute is there any way I can change the settings on...
View Articlepringing enevelope
I have a hpofficejet that I cannot see the dialoge box for printing my envelope
View Articleonly prints one copy
After upgrading to Windows 7, my 9110 only prints one copy no mattter how many I ask for. I am referring to the printer function, not the copier function.
View ArticleWill my printer never work with my new computer?
I purchased a new Dell laptop the other day, but can't seem to get my HP Officejet J4580 All-in-One to work with it. The laptop doesn't even reg. that it's pulged in. I've tried to install the disk...
View Article6510
Hi I have a HP6510 wireless printer and have intermittent but regular problems of output being corrupted when printing wirelessly. Sometimes it will print part of a page correctly & then stop,...
View Articled100 printer
I just put new cartridges's in and I can not get the printer to realign, It keep saying that the paper is n ot aligned
View ArticleWiFi Network problem with C4380 AIO
I am using Windows 7 Home Premium OS. and trying to connect to my printer wirelessly. When I run the HPPSdr utility I get the message "unable to contact on this network" error message, and when I print...
View ArticleПринтер
Мой принтер deskjet 1050 j410 series. Перестал печатать после того как были обновлены драйверы. Осталось только возможность печатать в программе paint . У меня установлена ОС windows7
View Articlepaper jam
Paper Jam message blocking printing even though cleared copy command no problem
View ArticleHP psc 1210 all-in-one
message "paper jam" malfunction corrected. will not delete message disabling printer. Copy function is working
View Article7280 ONLY prints blank pages!
I have had this happen before but can't remember the fix! I found it on the internet but can't seem to this time. I have a C7280 all-in-one and after finally resolving the dreaded "ink system failure"...
View Article3520 all in one
I just bought this printer yesterday and everything went smoothly except the black cartridge will not print. The colors are fine. Idid all the cleaning and aligning procedures and still nothing. I...
View ArticleHP Photsmart Premium C309a
two problemsFirst. Put in new printer cartridge. Printing came out blank.Second. Asked computer to cancel all printing. Printing continued so pulled out paper to avoid waste. Computer now states OUT OF...
View ArticleAuto Feed jamming HP Officejet 6700
When using the autofeed the paper won't continue on without jamming unless I press down on the top of the assembly just above the HP symbol on the assembly. If not pressed down, the paper won't...
View ArticleLaserjet M1217/nfw power issues
The printer will turn with three lights on the control panel - green and two yellow lights but no display and no response from the printer.
View Articlec309 Touch Screen out, power light constantly flashes, but still prints.
Hello, As described in the subject, the touch screen recently went out on our c309n printer. The power light constantly flashes. It seems to print just fine despite this, but we'd like to clear this...
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