My OfficeJet 4680 printed great from my Windows 8.0Asus laptop but stopped when I updated to W 8.1.
Other computers on the network or locally setup can print.
On my Windows 8.1 Asus S550C:
When theprinter is searched for installation the laptop finds it as an IP device and a http site.
It is then 'successfully' setup on the networkand can scan and communicate to see the ink levels etc., but doesn't print.
It can be 'successfully' setup as a USB device , but doesn't print.
When a print is sent to the printer a print title appears for a brief instant in the Printer Queue. The app 'thinks' it was succseefully printed.
I have uninstalled the HP programs and re-installed the latest HP version for the OJ J4680 (a few times!!).
No difference. No print.