I recently bought a 2nd-hand - HP Deskjet D1460 printer. I downloaded printer-drivers for my iMac (Mac OS X 10.4.11) and my eMac (Mac OS X 10.5.8). Both printers work fine when printing straightforward items, but I have a particular difficulty with the (10.5.8) eMac. I have produced a “family tree” using AppleWorks with a depth of 5 A4 sheets and a width of 22 A4 sheets. When I try to print, the iMac offers me the chance to state which pages I wish to print; so I can print one page only (eg Page 5) or a number of consecutive pages (eg Pages 10-15) and It works fine. However, when I try to print, the eMac does not offer me the chance to state which pages I wish to print, merely the option of “Print” which, of course, then prints ALL the pages in my family tree. I can find no way to get this to show different, so my eMac cannot be used for working on my family tree. Can anybody help?