(cross post from german forum)
Printer: HP Officejet 8000 Pro (about three years old, using original ink only - 940XL)
*** Context I:
PC with Windows Vista Business
Printer connected to router via TCP/IP (Ethernet)
PC is connected to same router
*** Context II:
PC with Windows Vista Business
Printer connected to PC via USB 2.0
*** Context III:
Windows 7 Laptop
Printer connected to router via TCP/IP (Ethernet)
Laptop is connected via WLAN to same router
*** Action:
Print a PDF containing colors from Adobe Reader, or
Print color pictures from Adobe Illustrator 10, or
Print color pictures from Browser (IE or Chrome)
*** Symptoms (in all three contexts):
Printer starts printing, then stops in mid page (All lights off), then restarts, or
Printer reacts but stops immediately before fetching paper, then restart
Printer has no problems printing black and white documents.
Printer (in most cases) has no problem printing (same!) color pdf if using an option replacing colors by black/grey.
*** Measures taken so far (but unsuccessful):
Updated firmware of printer
Used a different driver: HPWK550T.GPD 1.21.2008 (instead of HPWK8003.GPD 8.12.2008)
Modified printer settings in Vista:
"Bidirektionale Unterstützung" (On/Off)
Spooling options ("Wait until last page is spooled" versus "Print immediately")
Extended - "Druckprozessor" (WinPrint instead of "hpfpp082" or "hpzpplhn")
I searched the internet but found only a few messages reporting this problem and none of the solutions worked for me.
*** Measures not yet taken
I did not yet try to update the driver (using OJP8000vA809_Basic_14.exe) but don't think that it will help, because the symptoms are the same when using the K550 driver)
I did not yet try to connect the printer via USB to the laptop.
*** Please help:
I would like to keep the printer. Alternatively I would buy a new one - HP 8100 ... IF I would be sure that this is a hardware problem of the printer (which is probable since the printer does not work with two different operating systems).
Best Regards
Heinrich Glumpler