Hi I am not sure if my printer is not behaving as it should. My problem was I replaced the ink with new cartridges that had been lying around for one year. I use re-manufactured ones. They cartridges appeared to be empty except the black one on replacement which was totally fine - full. Considering they were completely new and sealed during the year and stored in a cool chest of draws and the black one is fine I find it is strange. The printer however kept on working okay during the period they were meant to be empty - I used them for about 1 month on and off although not frequently. The the request for one needing replaceing may have been accurate as ink was lessening on the paper after that month period.
Then I bought some more new ones and put all of them in at once. They too were registered as having a tiny amount in them and one with none at all. Again the black one was full though.
The printer became very odd in that sometimes it would take 6 minutes and today 8 minutes of doing the 'several minutes' standard start up checks. Its seems to now clean printer heads and align them each time and go round in circles sometimes 3 times in total as well as other normal checks. The printer does not protest about anything being wrong other than the ink levels.
I wonder if my source of purchases can be a problem or its the printer. I would like to say I am against the idea of genuine ink being the only consideration as the black re-manufactered inks are said to be genuine by the printer itself despite being re-manufactured which work - just not the other colours. I have re-set it to the factory settings under the tools menu part. After a factory re-set the ink levels seem to have nothing there hardly at all the same as before though.
How do I check if the printer is fine if it seems to be saying it is already ?
Is it the ink ? Is it the ink supplier ? Are the estimates just completely wrong ie- One eighth full (practically nothing) could mean full still ?
I've read instructions and impliented the checks but may have missed something or not done something the instructions wanted me to do perhaps ?
Just to be clear it could be its a repeated ink problem twice in a row from bad suppliers from 2 different ebay sellers although unlikely. If ebay are buying from bad suppliers to give us a cheaper deal you have to wonder though. They do maintain that the inks are the high quality inks XL as stated which are completely compatible and have good feedback from most customers. They are also ebay powersellers so reliable with 99.8% quality feedback scores.
I think the mechanisms are wrong in perhaps the way the printer heads join or the printer cartridges join but don't have a clue really. The printer is not telling me this is the case.
Should I uninstall the software on my PC and reinstall will this help ?
I'm perplexed I have to say - it might be really simple of course though to sort out.
Thanks all much appreciated if you can suggest to me what to do that would be good?